Jonathan Dobbins is a seasoned musician and multi-instrumentalist and embarked on his musical journey as a small child. His initiation into the world of music began with the piano, guided by his mother, who imparted the intricacies of playing the waltz and various musical styles. As a self-taught prodigy, Jon's dedication and passion led him to take his craft seriously, dedicating countless hours to practice on his personal piano by the age of 7.
In pursuit of formal training, Jon started piano and vocal lessons with Janine Brewer, tirelessly working on his craft. During this period, he had the opportunity to connect with the esteemed music pedagogy specialist, Curtis Bradshaw, at an event that would profoundly shape his musical trajectory.
Jon continued to hone his skills for many more years. His educational journey continued at DCCCD, where he studied under renowned pianists such as Pierrette Moledous, a distinguished member of the American College of Musicians and the National Guild of Piano Teachers.
Today, Jon Dobbins stands as a testament to the transformative power of music education and mentorship, continuing to make meaningful contributions to the world of music through his diverse talents and unwavering dedication.